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How to change the host and port on the Laravel Artisan Serve command
Long story short, you have to override or create your own command. It has the default of localhost and port 8000 just like the original 'artisan serve' command, but the defaults can be overridden by values from your .env file. Here is the code. This ha...

Getting Adafruit NeoPixel FeatherWing working with Feather HAZZAH with ESP8266 WiFi
Because the NeoPixel FeatherWing isn't compatible with the Adafruit HAZZAH Feather out of the box, we have to make some changes to the NeoPixel FeatherWing to get it to work.

List All Environment Variables Command on Ubuntu
How do I list all of the environment variables within Ubuntu from the command line?

Files on SD Card Directory With Arduino
I wanted to create an IoT door bell that randomly chose a file to play every time the button was pushed regardless of the file name. I needed to know how many .mp3 files existed within a directory.

Getting Your Remote SSH Session Back After Losing Internet Connection
I had an issue the other day of losing my internet connectivity while running an Ubuntu upgrade through SSH. I lost my session and needed to finish the installation.
